Credits have made it easier to travel to foreign locations and travel without any hassle. A lot of credit cards are available which not just provides attractive offers but also cash back. These banks would also provide points which you could claim in for future shopping. Now let us check out a few options of international credit cards you can purchase for a seamless shopping and travel experience. You must choose a credit card not just by checking those rewards, but also by the fee charged for every international transaction you make.
1. American Express Platinum credit card tops the list
The American Express platinum credit card is one of the best option to choose from, which will help you gain a lot of rewards and points. You can use this for air travel for almost all airlines. There are two ways you gain by using this - you can access all reward points and also stay vouchers in luxury hotels all around the world.2. Barclaycard arrival plus world Elite Mastercard
If most of your expenses occur at smaller businesses or entities, Barclaycard arrival plus is a great option. You would receive a two percent return or cash back in most of the transactions. For every dollar you spend, you would receive two dollars on an average. If you are keen on using a card that promises great return, Barclaycard arrival plus would make the best option.3. Bank of America rewards credit card
This card is great if you are seeking a credit card that charges an affordable annual fee. Within a three month of opening your accounts, or spending about three thousand, you would receive nearly fifty thousand points! And the account opening just costs around five hundred dollars. The best is that you would receive a minimum of twenty-five percent of bonus on every purchase!4. Southwest Rapid Rewards Priority Credit Card
This card is apt for people who make regular foreign visits, and the best thing regarding this card is its welcome bonus points. Redeeming points is indeed very seamless. And one negative with regard to this card is that it is quite difficult to get it issued!5. Chase Sapphire card
If you are serious about traveling and you make frequent visits to foreign locations, chase sapphire card is another must-have in your list. You would earn a lot of points for transactions in hotels and dine out. The best part of using these cards is that you would get to earn a lot of rewards which can be used up for international travel. The best thing about using chase sapphire card is that, you don’t have to pay a foreign fee!There are a lot of factors you must consider while selecting a credit card. The first you have to check is the transaction fee you pay in international travel. And the next part you got to check is their customer service because you might need help in case of emergencies.
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